When your heart and that inner voice nudges you to share your story or your experience, will you listen? Will you share? If you said yes, then you are in the right place. Share yours in the first book of the Daily Book Series:
A Daily Gift of Gratitude
At some time in your life, you may have been told that you don’t matter, or your story doesn’t matter. I’m here to tell you that you DO matter. Your story DOES matter. Each one of us has a unique path to travel. During the journey, we have experiences that have made a difference in one way or another to ourselves or those around us.
This is the first book in the Daily Gift Book Series
Do you have a daily gratitude practice?
Have you had something happen in your life that you thought would be the end of:
- Your career
- Your marriage
- A longtime friendship
- Your life?
But then…..
You realize that whatever you thought was “the worst” thing that could ever happen, turns out to be “the best” thing that could have happened.
Your life was changed for the better and you are grateful for the pain, the loss, the not knowing what you would do. Grateful for it ALL!
If you have a story like this, you are in the right place at the right time!
This is an invitation for you to share a story, or two, or maybe even three or more that have brought you to a place of gratitude in your heart. Even if at the time, you didn’t see the gift of gratitude as part of the experience in the moment, I challenge you to look back and find it now.
Did the loss of a loved one bring you closer to them in a way you could never see before? What is the gratitude message?
Was the divorce the catalyst for a better life than you could have ever imagined if you stayed in what turned out to be the wrong marriage? How can you share the gratitude and encourage others?
Did you find your purpose and passion when you left your “dream job?” Sometimes, abundance comes in ways other than money. Your purpose is intertwined with your passion. What are you passionate about? How has following your passion taken you to that grateful place in your heart?
These are just a few questions you can ask yourself to find a message of gratitude and how that feeling of being grateful has changed your attitude, your health, your life!
“Gratitude is the key that unlocks the door to abundant living in every area of life.” – Teresa Velardi
Bring your story of gratitude to this unique collaboration of international authors. I encourage you to look into all areas of your life for that hidden Gift of Gratitude.
Physical – Emotional – Relational – Spiritual – Financial – Career
Which one of these areas of your life has given you the biggest gift of gratitude to share? Maybe more than one?
Here is how you can participate and some of the benefits of participation:
- Become a published author.
- Gain instant credibility, authority, celebrity, and make an impact.
- Have your name associated with some well-known contributing authors, teachers, coaches, and celebrities.
- Be invited to be interviewed on Conversations That Make a Difference and other podcasts.
- Your story of 250-300 words will be professionally edited and formatted for publication on one page.
- Add your 50-word bio, including your website and picture.
- Buy copies of the book at a great contributing author discount, and make some money on the sale of the books to others, or gift them to family and friends!
We are anticipating a Holiday Season Launch and great participation, so reserve your page(s) now! Do you want to see your name on the cover? Reserve your cover spot NOW since spaces are limited to only 16 contributing authors!
Do you need help writing? Book a one-hour VIP session with Teresa and she’ll help you.
Submit One Story
Submit Two Stories
Submit Three Stories
VIP Session with Teresa
Your Name on the Cover