Will you listen when your heart and that inner voice nudge you to share your story or experience? Will you share? If you said yes, then you are in the right place.  Share yours in the next book of the Daily Gift Book Series:

A Daily Gift of Kindness

At some time in your life, you may have been told that you don’t matter or your story doesn’t matter. I’m here to tell you that you DO matter. Your story DOES matter.  Each one of us has a unique path to travel.  During our life journeys, we have experiences that make a difference in one way or another to ourselves or those around us.

Kindness is one of the next topics in the
Daily Gift Book Series

Is there a time in your life when the kindness of a stranger turned your day around? Have you been kind to someone who looked like they were having the worst day until you came along?

Stories of kindness are heartwarming. Here are a few ideas/prompts to help you recall how kindness has shown up in your life.

  • Is there a time when you were kind to someone you didn’t know?
  • Have you been the recipient of a random act of kindness?
  • Have you ever “paid it forward” for someone or to someone?

I invite you to share a story, or two, or maybe even three or more that are examples of how kindness has made a difference for you, even if you didn’t see the gift of kindness at the time. I challenge you to look back and find it now.

Bring your story of kindness to this unique collaboration of international authors.  I encourage you to look into all areas of your life for that hidden Gift of Kindness.

Physical – Emotional – Relational – Spiritual – Financial – Career

Which one of these areas of your life has given you the biggest gift of kindness to share?  Maybe more than one?

Here are some of the benefits of participation and  the ways you can participate: 

What are the benefits to participating?
  • Become a published author.
  • Gain instant credibility, authority, and celebrity while making an impact.
  • Have your name associated with well-known contributing authors, teachers, coaches, and celebrities.
  • Be invited to be interviewed on Conversations That Make a Difference and other podcasts.
  • Your story of 250-300 words will be professionally edited and formatted for publication on one page.
  • Add your 50-word bio, including your website and picture.
  • Buy copies of the book at a great contributing author discount, and make some money on selling the books to others, or gift them to family and friends!

The story submission deadline is August 31st, 2024. World Kindness Day is November 13th and the goal is to have this book in the hands of everyone you know before that date!

Questions? Email: [email protected]

I Want to Write